Shabbat Services
Services held Saturdays at: Beit B’rachot Messianic Fellowship
(services begin at 11:00 AM.)
51 North Lincoln Avenue
Washington, NJ 07882
Tel: 908-674-5601
There are NO Shabbat Services held on the 2nd Saturday of the month. Instead, 2nd Week Friday Evening [Erev] Services are held. Doors open at 7:00PM.
Please Note: Roadside parking on North Lincoln Ave and W Johnston Street.
Beit B’rachot Messianic Fellowship is a community of like-minded Believers in Yeshua haMashiach (sometimes called Jesus the Messiah). We are a Biblically based Torah life-style community of Jewish and Non-Jewish families who stress the truth of the Tanakh and of the Apostolic Writings (a.k.a. The Renewed Covenant) through Messiah Yeshua in our everyday lives. We employ Israeli form of prayer, praise and worship using Hebrew/English liturgy and stress the connection of Messiah to the Hebrew Scriptures. By enlisting as many of the features of the synagogue as are consistent with the Messiah’s teaching, Beit B’rachot Messianic Fellowship provides a familiar environment for Jewish and Non-Jewish families seeking to know and understand more of the Written Torah and of the Jewish Messiah, the Living Torah!