Items of Interest

Glossary of Terms
Abolish– Improperly interpret


Achashverosh– Ahasuerus

Ad-nai– Hebrew for “my L-rd”; pronounced “Ah-doh-neye”

Afikoman– “I came”; pronounced “Afee-komin”

Aharon– Aaron; pronounced “Aha-rone”

Ahava – Love; pronounced “Aha-va”

Akedah– Binding of Isaac; pronounced “Akay-da”

Aleinu– It is Our Duty Prayer; pronounced “Alay-nu”

Aliyah – Going up; the honor extended a worshipper who is called up to the reading of the Torah to recite the blessings; pronounced “Alee-ya”

Amidah – Standing Prayer; one of the major sections of each service; recited while standing; pronounced “Amee-dah”

Aravot– Willows; pronounced “Ara-vote”

Arba’ah Minim– Four Species; pronounced “Arba-ah Mee-neem”

Avraham– Abraham; pronounced “Av-ra-hahm”

B’midbar– Name for the Book of Numbers; means “In the desert”; pronounced “Ba-mid-bar”

B’nai – Sons of; plural of Bar; pertains to two or more boys or two or more girls; pronounced “Ba-nay”

B’not – Daughters of; plural of Bat; pertains to two or more girls; pronounced “Ba-note”

B’resheet– Name for the Book of Genesis; means “In the beginning”; pronounced “Bear-a-sheet”

B’rit – Covenant; pronounced “Breet”

B’rit Hadashah– Apostolic Writings/Renewed Covenant Scriptures; pronounced “Breet-ha-da-shah”

Bar – Son

Bar Mitzvah – Son of the Commandment; a boy becomes a Bar Mitzvah, a religiously responsible adult, at age thirteen

Bat – Daughter; pronounced “Baht”

Bat Mitzvah – Daughter of the Commandment; a girl becomes a Bat Mitzvah, a religiously responsible adult, at age thirteen

Beit HaMikdash– The Holy House/The Temple; pronounced “Bait HaMik-dah-sh”

Beit Lechem– The House of Bread; pronounced “Bait Le-chem”

Beitzah– Roasted Egg representing the festival offering presented in the Beit HaMikdash; also represents eternal life; pronounced “Bait-zah”

Ben – Son

Berakah – Blessing; pronounced “Berah-kah”

Besamim – Spices; a prayer is recited over the spices as part of the Havdalah ceremony; pronounced “Besa-meem”

Bikkurim– Feast of First Fruits; pronounced “Bee-ku-reem”

Bimah – Pulpit; the elevated portion of the Sanctuary; pronounced “Bee-ma”

Birchat Ha-Mazon – The blessings and prayers recited at the conclusion of a meal; pronounced “Beerkat-Ha-Mazone”

Chadar – Chamber; pronounced “Ha-dahr”

Charoset– Sweet Paste (usually apple, walnut, grape juice mixture); pronounced “Har-o-set”

Chazeret– Romaine Lettuce; pronounced “Haz-e-ret”

Chesed – Lovingkindness, mercy, grace; pronounced “Heh-said”

Chumash – Bible; the book containing the Five Books of Moses and the prophetic passages (Haftarot) read each week; pronounced “Who-Mosh”

Chuppah– Bridal chamber or canopy; pronounced “Hoo-pah”

Cohen– Priest; pronounced “Ko-hen”

Cohen Gadol– High Priest; pronounced “Ko-hen Gah-dole”

D’varim– Name for the Book of Deuteronomy; means “Words”; pronounced “De-va-reem”

Davening – To pray individually and yet with the congregation at the same time; pronounced “Dah-vening”

Ekklesia– Greek for Called Out Ones; pronounced “Ekk-leh-see-a”

El-him– G-d or Judge; pronounced “Eh-lo-heem”

Eliyahu– Elijah; pronounced “Elee-yahoo”

Epiphanes– G-d manifest; pronounced “Epi-fanees”

Etrog– Citron; pronounced “Eh-trog”

Eyrusin– Betrothal stage; pronounced “Eh-ru-seen”

Fulfill– Properly interpret

Goral– Lot; pronounced “Go-rahl”

Hadas– Myrtle; pronounced “Ha-dahs”

Hadlakat HaNerot– Lighting the festival candles; pronounced “Had-la-cot Ha-Neh-rote”

Haftarah – Conclusion; passages from the second part of the Hebrew Bible, the Prophets, read after the Torah reading, thematically related to that reading; A haftarah is read on Sabbath and festival mornings;pronounced “Hof-torah”

Hag– Festival; pronounced “Hog”

Hag haAsif– Festival of Ingathering; pronounced “Hog ha-Aseef”

Haggadah– “The Telling”; a booklet which is read during the Seder which contains the story of the Exodus, the order of the Seder and songs; pronounced “Ha-gadah”

Hallah– Braided bread; pronounced “Hollah”

HaMatzot– Feast of Unleavened Bread; pronounced “Ha-Mot-zote”

Hametz– Leaven; pronounced “Ha-mets”

Hammentashen– “Haman’s pockets”; pronounced “Hammen-tah-shen”

Hanukkah– Feast of Dedication; pronounced “Hanoo-kah”

Hanukkiah– Special menorah with nine branches; pronounced “Hanoo-kiah”

Har HaZetim– Mount of Olives; pronounced “Har Ha-Zeh-teem”

HaShem – “The Name”; a circumlocution (indirect expression to avoid straightforward way of saying something) of Ad-nai, El-him, G-d, etc. used to avoid taking the L-rd’s name in vain; pronounced “Ha-Shehm”

Hassava– Reclining; pronounced “Ha-savah”

Hatan– Bridegroom; also means “One who enters the covenant”; pronounced “Ha-tahn”

Havdalah – Separation, distinction or the dividing; a ceremony that marks the end of the Sabbath and then begins the new week; wine, a spice box, and a braided candle are incorporated into this sensual, evocative service; pronounced “Hav-dah-lah”

Hester Panim– “The concealed face of G-d”; pronounced “Hes-tehr Pa-neem”

Hoshana Rabbah– Great Save Us; pronounced “Ho-Shana Ra-bah”

HoshiaNa– Hosanna/Save Us; pronounced “Ho-shi-a-nah”

Ka’arat HaSeder– Seder Plate; pronounced “Ka-ah-rot Ha-Say-der”

Kaddish – Holy; the ancient prayer in Aramaic, declaring and blessing the greatness and holiness of G-d; the Kaddish is recited several times during services; it divides and concludes sections of each service; it is also recited in memory of close relatives; pronounced “Kah-dish”

Kadosh – Holy; pronounced “Kah-doh-sh”

Kallah– Bride; also means “Complete” or “Enclosed One”; pronounced “Ka-lah”

Kapot Temarim– Branches of palm trees; pronounced “Ka-pote Te-ma-reem”

Karpas– Vegetable (usually parsley); pronounced “Kar-pus”

Kedushah – Sanctification; a portion of the Amidah that acknowledges the majesty and holiness of G-d; it is recited in the form of alternate chanting;; pronounced “Keh-doosha”

Kehilat– Ekklesia/Congregation of Israel/Messianic Community/Called Out Ones; pronounced “Keh-hee-lat”

Ketubah– Marriage covenant; pronounced “Keh-too-bah”

Keylitsh– Special Purim Challah bread; pronounced “Keh-litsch”

Kiddush– Sanctification of the Shabbat;Blessing over the wine sanctifying the day; On Shabbat morning refreshments are served and once a month a light lunch is provided; pronounced “Kih-dusch”

Kiddushin– Betrothal stage or setting apart of man and woman for each other; the Marriage also begins at this point however it has been consummated yet – this occurs during the Nissuin stage; pronounced “Kih-dusch-een”

Kippah – Head covering; also known as Yarmulka; the head covering for males at a religious service, worn as a form of respect to the Almighty; pronounced “Kee-pa”

Kittel – A white robe that looks somewhat like a bathrobe; it is a garment worn at Passover; it is also warn by the Groom at a wedding; the word Kittel is rooted in the Hebrew word Katal – To Slay; pronounced “Kit-tell”

Kohelet– Ecclesiastes; pronounced “Ko-heh-let”

Kohen – Temple Priest; From the line of Aaron, the Kohen receives a special honor as the first to be called to the Torah to recite the blessings

Kol Nidrei – All Vows Service of Yom Kippur; pronounced “Kole Nee-dray”

Kos Eliyahu– Fifth cup of wine reserved for Eliyahu; pronounced “Kahs Elee-yahoo”

Kos HaGeulah– The cup of redemption; third cup drunk at the Seder; pronounced “Kahs Ha-Geh-oo-lah”

Kos HaHallel– The cup of praise and intimacy; fourth cup drunk at the Seder; pronounced “Kahs Ha-Hallel”

Kos HaKiddush– The cup of deliverance or sanctification; first cup drunk at the Seder; pronounced “Kahs Ha-Kih-dusch”

Kos HaMakkot– The cup of judgment or plagues; second cup drunk at the Seder; pronounced “Kahs Ha-Mah-kote”

Kos Revii– Fourth cup drunk at the Seder; pronounced “Kahs Re-vee”

Kos Rishon– First cup drunk at the Seder; pronounced “Kahs Ree-shone”

Kos Sh’lishi– Third cup drunk at the Seder; pronounced “Kahs Sh-lish-ee”

Kos Sheni– Second cup drunk at the Seder; pronounced “Kahs Sheh-nee”

La Shana Tovah Tekatevu– “May you be inscribed for a good year”; pronounced “La Sha-na To-vah Teka-tay-vu”

Latkes– Potato pancakes; pronounced “Latkas”

Lechem Chayim– Bread of Life; pronounced “Le-kem Keye-eem”

Levi – Descendants of the Tribe of Levi; the Levi is accorded the honor of being called up for the second Aliyah to the Torah; pronounced “Levee”

Lulav– Palm branch; pronounced “Loo-lahv”

Lunisolar– Calendar that is both lunar and solar based; the Hebrew Calendar is such

Ma’ariv– Evening Service; the first of the three daily services; the prayers of Ma’ariv are recited after sundown; pronounced “Mah-ah-reev”

Maftir – Conclusion; the person who concludes the portion of the Torah read on Sabbath and holidays, who will read the Haftarah; it also refers to the concluding Torah portion itself; pronounced “Mahf-teer”

Makkaba– Hammer; pronounced “Mah-kah-bah”

Makkebet– Hammer; pronounced “Mah-keh-bet”

Maror– Bitter Herbs; pronounced “Mah-roar”

Mashiach– Messiah; pronounced “Mah-shee-ock”

Matanot L’Evyonim– Custom of sending gifts to the poor; pronounced “Mah-tah-note L-Ev-yo-neem”

MattanTheoffering of a gift or gifts to the bride; pronounced “Mot-tahn”

Matzah– Unleavened bread; pronounced “Mah-tzah”

Matzah Tash – White bag that holds matzah; pronounced “Mah-tzah Tosh”

Mayim Chaim -Living Water; pronounced “Mah-yeem Cheye-yeem”

Mazal Tov – Means both “good luck,” (most literally) and, in more popular usage “congratulations”

Megillah– Scroll; pronounced “Meh-gee-lah”

Mei Melach– Salt water; pronounced “May Meh-lock”

Melekh Mashiach– King Messiah; pronounced “Meh-lek Mah-shee-ock”

Menorah– A candelabra with seven branches; pronounced “Meh-no-rah”

Messianic Banquet– Wedding Feast

Mi Chamocha Ba’alim Ad-nai– “Who is like You O L-rd among the gods?”; pronounced “Me Kah-mo-kah Beye-leem Ah-doh-neye”

Mikveh– Ritual immersion pool to make one ritually clean; equivalent to baptism; pronounced “Mik-vah”

Mincha– Afternoon Service; the third of the three daily services; the Mincha prayers are recited in the afternoon up to sunset; pronounced “Min-ka”

Minyan – Number of quorum; a minimum of ten Jewish adults, above the age of thirteen, are required for public worship

Miryam – Mary; pronounced “Mir-yahm”

Mishkan– Tabernacle; pronounced “Mish-kahn”

Mishloach Manot– Custom of sending gifts of food to neighbors; pronounced “Mish-lo-ock Mah-note”

Mitzvah– Commandment; pronounced “Mitz-vah”

Mitzvot– Commandments; pronounced “Mitz-vote”

Mo’edim – Appointed times/holy days/festival days; these are the times appointed by G-d in Leviticus 23; pronounced “Mo-eh-deem”

Mohar – Bridal payment given to the father for the bride; pronounced “Mo-hahr”

Moshe– Moses; pronounced “Mo-shay”

Motzi – Who brings forth; the blessing over bread, recited to begin a meal; pronounced “Mo-tzee”

Mount Horev– Mount Sinai; pronounced “Mount Ho-rev”

Musaf – Additional service; a collection of prayers recited after the morning service (Shacharit) and the reading of the Torah; contains the Amidah; the Musaf is recited on the Sabbath, holidays and Rosh Hodesh, the first of a new month; pronounced “Moo-sahf”

Neilah – Closing Service of Yom Kippur; pronounced “Nay-lah”

Ner Havdalah – The braided candle over which a blessing is recited during the Havdalah ceremony

Nissuin– Nuptials and consummation of the Marriage; also the Wedding feast; pronounced “Nis-oo-een”

Nisukh HaMayim– Water libation ceremony; pronounced “Nis-ookh Ha-Mah-yeem”

Ohel Mo’ed– Tent of Meeting; pronounced “Oh-hel Moh-ed”

Olam Haba– World to Come or Age to Come; pronounced “Oh-lahm Hah-bah”

Olam Hazeh– Present World or Present Age; pronounced “Oh-lahm Hah-zeh”

Oneg Shabbat – Joy of the Shabbat referring to a celebratory gathering held after Shabbat services, often with food, singing, study, discussion and socializing; simcha is another word also meaning joy but it is reserved for holy days other than Shabbat; pronounced “Oh-negg Shah-bot”

Or HaOlam– The Light of the World; pronounced “Oar Ha-Oh-lahm”

Parashah – A section; the specific section of the Torah assigned for reading each week

Parush– Pharisee; pronounced “Pah-roosh”

Parushim– Pharisees; pronounced “Pah-roosh-eem”

Pesach– Feast of Passover; pronounced “Pay-sock”

Pri Etz Hadar– Literally “Fruit of goodly trees”; pronounced “Pree Ehtz Ha-dahr”

Pur– Lot; pronounced “Poohr”

Purim– Lots; pronounced “Poohr-eem”

Ra’ashanim– Graggers; pronounced “Rah-osh-ah-neem”

Rachamim– Compassion; pronounced “Rock-a-meem”

Rosh HaShanah– Head of the Year; pronounced “Roche Ha-Shah-nah”

Rosh Hodesh – The first day of the new month; a minor festival

Ruach– Spirit; pronounced “Roo-ock”

Ruach HaKodesh– Holy Spirit; pronounced “Roo-ock Ha-Koh-desh”

Seder– Order; pronounced “Say-der”

Sefer HaHayyim– Book of Life; pronounced “Say-fehr Ha-Hah-yeem”

Sefer Rashim– Book of the Wholly Wicked; pronounced “Say-fehr Rahsh-eem”

Sefer Torah– The Scroll of the Torah containing the Five Books of Moses; pronounced “Say-fehr To-rah”

Seudat Purim– Special festive meal eaten in the afternoon; pronounced “Sue-daht Poohr-eem”

Shabbat– Sabbath; means “rest” or “cessation”; pronounced “Shah-bot”

ShabbatHaGadol– Great Shabbat just before Pesach; there are other special Shabbats throughout the year as well; pronounced “Shah-bot Ha-Gah-dole”

Shabbat Shalom – Sabbath peace; greeting used on the Sabbath, “Good Sabbath”

Shacharit– Morning Service; the second of the three daily services; pronounced “Sha-kah-reet”

Shakan– Sukkah/Dwell with; pronounced “Shah-kahn”

Shamash– Servant; pronounced “Shah-mosh”

Shavuah– Week; pronounced “Shah-voo-ah”

Shavuot– Feast of Weeks or Feast of Pentecost; pronounced “Shah-voo-ote”

Shekinah– Divine Presence/Glory Cloud; pronounced “Sheh-kee-nah”

Shemini Atzeret– The eighth (day) of assembly or eighth conclusion; pronounced “Sheh-mee-nee Atz-eh-reht”

Shemittah years– Sabbath year of release which occur every 7 years; pronounced “Sheh-mee-tah”

Shemonei Esrei– 18 Benedictions Prayer; also known as the Amidah; pronounced “Sheh-mo-nay Es-ray”

Sh’mot/Exodus– Name for the Book of Exodus; means “Names”; pronounced “Sheh-mote”

Shevarim – A “broken,” sighing sound of three short calls; pronounced “Sheh-vah-reem”

Shiloach– Siloam (which means sent); pronounced “Shih-lo-ock”

Shiluhim -Gifts given to the bride by her father; these are literally “parting gifts”; pronounced “Shil-oo-heem”

Shir HaShirim – Song of Songs; pronounced “Sheer Ha-Sheer-eem”

Shlichim– Apostles, emissaries or sent ones; pronounced “Shlee-keem”

Shlomo– Solomon; pronounced “Shlo-mo”

Shofar– Ram’s horn; pronounced “Show-far”

Siddur – Prayer book containing the prayers for a given service, and arranged in a given order; usually there are separate prayer books for the Sabbath and Festivals, Daily Services, and High Holy Day Services; pronounced “Sid-oohr”

Sidrah – Torah portion of the week; the Torah does not contain chapters; it is divided into 54 portions (Parshiyot) which are read during the year; pronounced “Sid-ra”

Simcha – Joy; a joyful occasion; pronounced “Sim-ka”

Simchat Beit Hasho’evah– Rejoicing at the House of the Water Drawing; pronounced “Sim-kaht Bait Ha-sho-eh-vah”

Sufganiyot– A kind of doughnut without the hole, covered in powdered sugar; pronounced “Soof-gan-ih-yote”

Sukkah– Temporary shelter/booth; pronounced “Sook-ah”

Sukkot– Feast of Booths/Tabernacles; temporary shelters/booths; pronounced “Sue-kote”

Ta’anit Esther– Fast of Esther; pronounced “Tah-ah-neet Esther”

Tallit – A fringed prayer shawl, traditionally worn by Jews over the age of thirteen during the morning service; also worn during the Kol Nidrei Service; pronounced “Tah-leet”

Talmid– Disciple; pronounced “Tal-meed”

Talmidim– Disciples; pronounced “Tal-mee-deem”

Tanakh– Torah, Navi’im (Prophets) and Khetuvim (Writings); pronounced “Tah-nock”

Tashlik– “You shall cast”; pronounced “Tah-shleek”

Tefillin – Small leather boxes which contain four handwritten sections of the Torah and to which straps are attached; traditionally worn by Jews from age thirteen and placed on the head and arm during morning services except on Sabbath and holidays

Tekiah – The “blast,” one long blast with a clear tone; pronounced “Teh-kee-ah”

Tekiah Gedolah – “The great Tekiah,” a single unbroken blast, held as long as possible; pronounced “Teh-keeh-ah Geh-dole-ah”

Teruah – The “alarm,” a rapid series of nine or more very short notes; pronounced “Teh-roo-ah”

Teshuvah– Repent; pronounced “Teh-shoo-vah”

Torah– Instruction; pronounced “Toe-rah”

Trop – The ancient musical signs used to indicate to the reader of the Torah, the Haftarah and other parts of the Bible, the melodies in which they are to be chanted;pronounced “Trope”

Tz’dukim– Sadducees; pronounced “Tze-doo-keem”

Tzitzit – Fringes of the tallit;pronounced “Zeet-zeet”

Ushpizin – Guests; pronounced “Oosh-piz-in”

Vayikra– Name for the Book of Leviticus; means “He called”; pronounced “Veye-yee-kra”

Viddui – Confession; pronounced “Vid-doo-ee”

Ya’akov– Jacob; pronounced “Yah-ah-cove”

Yahrzeit – Annual remembrance of the death anniversary of a loved one; pronounced “Yar-zite”

Yarah– To shoot or hit the mark; pronounced “Yah-rah”

Yasher Koach – The vernacular for the Hebrew “Yishar (or Y’Yasher) kohaha [male] or koheh [fem.]” meaning “congratulations” and “well done,” (literally, “more power to you”); Often said to someone who has had an Aliyah; The traditional response is “Baruch tihyeh,” (“May it be for a blessing”); pronounced “Yah-share ko-ock”

Yayin– Wine; pronounced “Yah-yeen”

Yehuda– Judah; pronounced “Yeh-hoo-dah”

Yeshua– Jesus; pronounced “Yeh-shoo-ah”

Yisrael – Today, every Jew who does not have the distinction of being a Kohen or a Levi is a Yisrael; traditionally, a Kohen and Levi are accorded the first and second honors respectively; the Yisrael is honored with an Aliyah, beginning with the third honor

Yitzchak– Isaac; pronounced “Yitz-ock”

Yochanan the Immerser– John the Baptist; pronounced “Yo-ka-nahn”

Yom Ad-nai– The Day of the L-rd; pronounced “Yohm Ah-doh-neye”

Yom HaDin– The Day of Judgment; pronounced “Yohm Ha-Deen”

Yom HaZikaron– The Day of Remembrance; pronounced “Yohm Ha-Zik-ahrone”

Yom Kippur– Day of Atonement; pronounced “Yohm Kee-poohr”

Yom T’ruah– Day of Blowing Shofars/Trumpets/Rosh HaShanah; pronounced “Yohm Teh-roo-ah”

Yomim Noraim– The Days of Awe; pronounced “Yo-meem Nor-ah-eem”

Yosef– Joseph; pronounced “Yo-sef”

Yovel– Jubilee year; pronounced “Yo-vehl”

Zeman Simchateinu– The Season of our Rejoicing; pronounced “Zeh-mahn Sim-kah-tay-noo”

Zeroah– Shankbone; also can mean “arm” or “wing” symbolizing the outstretched arm with which G-d delivered Israel from slavery in Egypt; pronounced “Zeh-ro-ah”

Messianic Prophecies
Genesis Prophecies Tanakh Scripture B’rit Chadasha Fulfillment
The Messiah would be born of the “seed” of a woman.  Genesis 3:15a  Luke 1:34-35
The Messiah would successfully defeat Satan.  Genesis 3:15b  1 John 3:8
The Messiah would suffer when redeeming man to G-d.  Genesis 3:15c  1 Peter 3:18
The Messiah would come from the lineage of Seth.  Genesis 4:25  Luke 3:23-38
The Messiah would come from the lineage of Shem.  Genesis 9:26  Luke 3:23-36
The Messiah would come from the lineage of Abraham.  Genesis 12:3  Matthew 1:1
The Messiah would come from the lineage of Isaac.  Genesis 17:19  Luke 3:23-34
The Messiah would come from the lineage of Abraham.  Genesis 18:17-18a  Matthew 1:1
The Messiah would be the redeemer for all nations.  Genesis 18:17-18b  Acts 3:24-26
The Messiah would come from the lineage of Isaac.  Genesis 21:12  Luke 3:23-34
The Messiah would be G-d’s “Sacrificial Lamb”.  Genesis 22:8  John 1:29
Romans 8:3-4
1 Corinthians 5:7
The Messiah would come from the lineage of Abraham.  Genesis 22:18a  Galatians 3:16
The Messiah would be the redeemer for all nations.  Genesis 22:18b  Galatians 3:14
The Messiah would come from the lineage of Isaac.  Genesis 26:4  Luke 3:23-34
The Messiah would come from the lineage of Jacob.  Genesis 28:14a  Luke 3:23-34
The Messiah would be the redeemer for all nations.  Genesis 28:14b  Galatians 3:26-29
The Messiah would come from the lineage of Judah.  Genesis 49:10a  Luke 3:23-33
The Messiah would gather all people before Him.  Genesis 49:10b  Luke 12:1
Mark 1:45
The Messiah would be the “vine” of all living.  Genesis 49:11  John 15:1-5
Exodus Prophecies Tanakh Scripture B’rit Chadasha Fulfillment
The Messiah’s bones would not be broken during crucifixion.  Exodus 12:46  John 19:32-33
Numbers Prophecies Tanakh Scripture B’rit Chadasha Fulfillment
The Messiah’s bones would not be broken during crucifixion.  Numbers 9:12  John 19:32-33
The Messiah would be G-d’s “Star.”  Numbers 24:17  Revelation 22:16
Deuteronomy Prophecies Tanakh Scripture B’rit Chadasha Fulfillment
The Messiah would be a Prophet as man.  Deut. 18:15  Matthew 21:11
The Messiah would be a Prophet as man.  Deut. 18:18a  Matthew 21:11
The Messiah would speak G-d’s “Will and Word.”  Deut. 18:18b  John 12:49
The Messiah would become a curse for the redemption of man.  Deut. 21:23  Galatians 3:13
The Messiah would be worshiped by Angels and men at His birth.  Deut. 32:43  Luke 2:13-14
Ruth Prophecies Tanakh Scripture B’rit Chadasha Fulfillment
The Messiah would come from the lineage of Boaz & Ruth.  Ruth 4:12-17  Luke 3:23-32
1st. Samuel Prophecies Tanakh Scripture B’rit Chadasha Fulfillment
The Messiah would be exalted by G-d with power and glory.  1 Samuel 2:10  Matthew 28:18
1 Peter 3:22
2nd. Samuel Prophecies Tanakh Scripture B’rit Chadasha Fulfillment
The Messiah would come from the lineage of David.  2 Samuel 7:12-13  Matthew 1:1
The Messiah would be the Son of G-d.  2 Samuel 7:13-14  Matthew 3:16-17
The Messiah would come from the lineage of David.  2 Samuel 7:16  Matthew 1:1
The Messiah would come for all people.  2 Samuel 22:50  Romans 15:8-9
The Messiah would be the “Spiritual Rock.”  2 Samuel 23:2-4a  1 Corinthians 10:4
The Messiah would be like the “Light of the Morning.”  2 Samuel 23:2-4b  Revelation 22:16
1st. Chronicles Prophecies Tanakh Scripture B’rit Chadasha Fulfillment
The Messiah would come from the lineage of Judah.  1 Chronicles 5:2  Luke 3:23-33
The Messiah would come from the lineage of David.  1 Chr. 17:11-12a  Luke 3:23-31
The Messiah’s kingdom would be eternal.  1 Chr. 17:11-12b  Luke 1:32-33
The Messiah would be the Son of G-d.  1 Chr. 17:13-14  Matthew 3:16-17
John 12:28-30
Job Prophecies Tanakh Scripture B’rit Chadasha Fulfillment
Yeshua would stand at the latter day upon earth.  Job 19:25-27  John 5:24-29
Psalm Prophecies Tanakh Scripture B’rit Chadasha Fulfillment
The Messiah would also be rejected by Gentiles.  Psalm 2:1  Acts 4:25-28
Political/religious leaders would conspire against the Messiah.  Psalm 2:2  Matthew 26:3-4
Mark 3:6
The Messiah would be King of the Jews.  Psalm 2:6  John 12:12-13
John 18:32
The Messiah would be the Son of G-d.  Psalm 2:7a  Luke 1:31-35
Matthew 3:16-17
Hebrews 1:5-6
The Messiah would reveal that He was the Son of G-d.  Psalm 2:7b  John 9:35-37
The Messiah would be raised from the dead and be crowned King.  Psalm 2:7c  Acts 13:30-33
Romans 1:3-4
The Messiah would ask G-d for His inheritance.  Psalm 2:8a  John 17:4-24
The Messiah would have complete authority over all things.  Psalm 2:8b  Matthew 28:18
Hebrews 1:1-2
The Messiah would not acknowledge those who did not believe in Him.  Psalm 2:12  John 3:36
Infants would give praise to the Messiah.  Psalm 8:2  Matthew 21:15-16
The Messiah would have complete authority over all things.  Psalm 8:6  Matthew 28:18
The Messiah would be resurrected.  Psalm 16:8-10a  Matthew 28:6
Acts 2:25-32
The Messiah’s body would not see corruption (natural decay).  Psalm 16:8-10b  Acts 13:35-37
The Messiah would be glorified into the presence of G-d.  Psalm 16:11  Acts 2:25-33
The Messiah would come for all people.  Psalm 18:49  Ephesians 3:4-6
The Messiah would cry out to G-d.  Psalm 22:1a  Matthew 27:46
The Messiah would be forsaken by G-d at His crucifixion.  Psalm 22:1b  Mark 15:34
The Messiah would pray without ceasing before His
 Psalm 22:2  Matthew 26:38-39
The Messiah would be despised and rejected by His own.  Psalm 22:6  Luke 23:21-23
The Messiah would be made a mockery.  Psalm 22:7  Matthew 27:39
Unbelievers would say to the Messiah, “He trusted in G-d, let Him now deliver Him.”  Psalm 22:8  Matthew 27:41-43
The Messiah would know His Father from childhood.  Psalm 22:9  Luke 2:40
The Messiah would be called by G-d while in the womb.  Psalm 22:10  Luke 1:30-33
The Messiah would be abandoned by His disciples.  Psalm 22:11  Mark 14:50
The Messiah would be encompassed by evil spirits.  Psalm 22:12-13  Colossians 2:15
The Messiah’s body would emit blood & water.  Psalm 22:14a  John 19:34
The Messiah would be crucified.  Psalm 22:14b  Matthew 27:35
The Messiah would thirst while dying.  Psalm 22:15a  John 19:28
The Messiah would thirst just prior to His death.  Psalm 22:15b  John 19:30
The Messiah would be observed by Gentiles at His crucifixion.  Psalm 22:16a  Luke 23:36
The Messiah would be observed by Jews at His crucifixion.  Psalm 22:16b  Matthew 27:41-43
Both the Messiah’s hands and feet would be pierced.  Psalm 22:16c  Matthew 27:38
The Messiah’s bones would not be broken.  Psalm 22:17a  John 19:32-33
The Messiah would be viewed by many during His crucifixion.  Psalm 22:17b  Luke 23:35
The Messiah’s garments would be parted among the soldiers.  Psalm 22:18a  John 19:23-24
The soldiers would cast lots for the Messiah’s clothes.  Psalm 22:18b  John 19:23-24
The Messiah’s atonement would enable believers to receive salvation.  Psalm 22:22  Hebrews 2:10-12
Matthew 12:50
John 20:14
The Messiah’s enemies would stumble and fall.  Psalm 27:2  John 18:3-6
The Messiah would be accused by false witnesses.  Psalm 27:12  Matthew 26:59-61
The Messiah would cry out to G-d “Into thy hands I commend my spirit.”  Psalm 31:5  Luke 23:46
There would be many attempts to kill the Messiah.  Psalm 31:13  Matthew 27:1
The Messiah would have no bones broken.  Psalm 34:20  John 19:32-33
The Messiah would be accused by many false witnesses.  Psalm 35:11  Mark 14:55-59
The Messiah would be hated without cause.  Psalm 35:19  John 18:19-23
John 15:24-25
The Messiah would be silent as a lamb before His accusers.  Psalm 38:13-14  Matthew 26:62-63
The Messiah would be G-d’s sacrificial lamb for redemption of all mankind.  Psalm 40:6-8a  Hebrews 10:10-13
The Messiah would reveal that the Hebrew scriptures were written of Him.  Psalm 40:6-8b  Luke 24:44
John 5:39-40
The Messiah would do G-d’s (His Father) will.  Psalm 40:7-8  John 5:30
The Messiah would not conceal His mission from believing people.  Psalm 40:9-10  Luke 4:16-21
The Messiah would be betrayed by one of His own disciples.  Psalm 41:9  Mark 14:17-18
The Messiah would communicate a message of mercy.  Psalm 45:2  Luke 4:22
The Messiah’s throne would be eternal.  Psalm 45:6-7a  Luke 1:31-33
Hebrews 1:8-9
The Messiah would be G-d.  Psalm 45:6-7b  Hebrews 1:8-9
The Messiah would act with righteousness.  Psalm 45:6-7c  John 5:30
The Messiah would be betrayed by one of His own disciples.  Psalm 55:12-14  Luke 22:47-48
The Messiah would ascend back into heaven.  Psalm 68:18a  Luke 24:51
Ephesians 4:8
The Messiah would give good gifts unto believing men.  Psalm 68:18b  Matthew 10:1
Ephesians 4:7-11
The Messiah would be hated and rejected without cause.  Psalm 69:4  Luke 23:13-22
John 15:24-25
The Messiah would be condemned for G-d’s sake.  Psalm 69:7  Mat. 26:65-67
The Messiah would be rejected by the Jews.  Psalm 69:8a  John 1:11
The Messiah’s very own brothers would reject Him.  Psalm 69:8b  John 7:3-5
The Messiah would become angry due to unethical practices by the Jews in the temple.  Psalm 69:9a  John 2:13-17
The Messiah would be condemned for G-d’s sake.  Psalm 69:9b  Romans 15:3
The Messiah’s heart would be broken.  Psalm 69:20a  John 19:34
The Messiah’s disciples would abandon Him just prior to His death.  Psalm 69:20b  Mark 14:33-41
The Messiah would be offered gall mingled with vinegar while dying.  Psalm 69:21a  Matthew 27:34
The Messiah would thirst while dying.  Psalm 69:21b  John 19:28
The potter’s field would be uninhabited (Field of Blood).  Psalm 69:25  Acts 1:16-20
The Messiah would teach in parables.  Psalm 78:2  Mat.13:34-35
The Messiah would be exalted to the right hand of G-d.  Psalm 80:17  Acts 5:31
The Messiah would come from the lineage of David.  Psalm 89:3-4  Matthew 1:1
The Messiah would call G-d His Father.  Psalm 89:26  Matthew 11:27
The Messiah would be G-d’s only “begotten” Son.  Psalm 89:27  Mark 16:6
Colossians 1:18
Revelation 1:5
The Messiah would come from the lineage of David.  Psalm 89:29  Matthew 1:1
The Messiah would come from the lineage of David.  Psalm 89:35-36  Matthew 1:1
The Messiah would be eternal.  Psalm 102:25-27a  Revelation 1:8
Hebrews 1:10-12
The Messiah would be the creator of all things.  Psalm 102:25-27b  John 1:3
Ephesians 3:9
Hebrews 1:10-12
The Messiah would calm the stormy sea.  Psalm 107:28-29  Matthew 8:24-26
The Messiah would be accused by many false witnesses.  Psalm 109:2  John 18:29-30
The Messiah would offer up prayer for His enemies.  Psalm 109:4  Luke 23:34
The Messiah’s betrayer (Judas) would have a short life.  Psalm 109:8a  Acts 1:16-18
John 17:12
The Messiah’s betrayer would be replaced by another.  Psalm 109:8b  Acts 1:20-26
The Messiah would be mocked by many.  Psalm 109:25  Mark 15:29-30
The Messiah would be L-rd and King.  Psalm 110:1a  Mat. 22:41-45
The Messiah would be exalted to the right hand of G-d.  Psalm 110:1b  Mark 16:19
Mat. 22:41-46
The Messiah would be a Priest after the order of Melchisedec.  Psalm 110:4  Hebrews 6:17-20
The Messiah would be exalted to the right hand of G-d.  Psalm 110:5  1 Peter 3:21-22
The Messiah would be the “Stone” rejected by the builders (Jews). Psalm 118:22 Mat.21:42-43
The Messiah would come in the name of the L-rd.  Psalm 118:26  Matthew 21:9
The Messiah would come from the lineage of David.  Psalm 132:11  Matthew 1:1
The Messiah would come from the lineage of David.  Psalm 132:17  Matthew 1:1
Luke 1:68-70
Proverb Prophecies Tanakh Scripture B’rit Chadasha Fulfillment
The Messiah would be from everlasting to everlasting.  Proverbs 8:22-23  John 17:5
The Messiah would ascend and descend to and from heaven.  Proverbs 30:4a  John 3:13
John 6:38
Mark 16:19
G-d would have a “begotten” Son.  Proverbs 30:4b  Matthew 3:16-17
Isaiah Prophecies Tanakh Scripture B’rit Chadasha Fulfillment
The Jews would reject the Messiah.  Isaiah 6:9-10a  John 12:37-40
The Messiah would teach in parables.  Isaiah 6:9-10b  Matthew 13:13-15
The Messiah would be born of a virgin.  Isaiah 7:14a  Luke 1:34-35
The Messiah would be called Immanuel, “G-d With Us.”  Isaiah 7:14b  Matthew 1:21-23
The Messiah would be G-d.  Isaiah 7:14c  John 12:45
1 Timothy 3:16
The Messiah would have wisdom from His childhood.  Isaiah 7:15  Luke 2:40
The Messiah would be a “Stumbling Stone” for the Jews.  Isaiah 8:14  Matthew 21:43-44
The Messiah would minister in Galilee.  Isaiah 9:1-2a  Matthew 4:12-17
The Messiah would be a light to the Gentiles.  Isaiah 9:1-2b  Luke 2:28-32
The birth of the Messiah.  Isaiah 9:6a  Luke 2:11
The Messiah would be the Son of G-d.  Isaiah 9:6b  Luke 1:35
The Messiah would be both man and G-d.  Isaiah 9:6c  John 10:30
John 12:45
John 14:7
The Messiah would be from everlasting.  Isaiah 9:6d  Colossians 1:17
The Messiah would come from the lineage of Jesse.  Isaiah 11:1a  Luke 3:23-32
The Messiah would grow up in Nazareth.  Isaiah 11:1b  Matthew 2:21-23
The Messiah would have the Spirit of G-d upon Him.  Isaiah 11:2a  Matthew 3:16-17
The Messiah would have the Spirit of knowledge and wisdom.  Isaiah 11:2b  Matthew 13:54
The Messiah would have the Spirit of knowledge and fear of G-d.   Isaiah 11:2c  Matthew 11:27
John 15:10
The Messiah would have a quick understanding in the fear of the L-RD.  Isaiah 11:3a  Luke 2:46-47
Luke 4:31-32
John 14:31
The Messiah would not judge on the basis of outward appearance.  Isaiah 11:3b  John 2:24-25
John 7:24
The Messiah would judge the poor with righteousness.  Isaiah 11:4  Mark 12:41-44
Luke 13:30
The Messiah would come from the lineage of Jesse.  Isaiah 11:10a  Luke 3:23-32
The Messiah would come for all people.  Isaiah 11:10b  Acts 13:47-48
The Messiah would have the key of David.  Isaiah 22:22  Revelation 3:7
The Messiah would defeat death (sin).  Isaiah 25:8  Revelation 1:18
2 Timothy 1:10
Several Saints would rise to life at the resurrection of the Messiah.  Isaiah 26:19  Matthew 27:52-53
The Messiah would be the cornerstone.  Isaiah 28:16  1 Peter 2:4-6
The Messiah would heal the blind.  Isaiah 35:5a  Mark 10:51-52
John 9:1-7
The Messiah would heal the deaf.  Isaiah 35:5b  Mark 7:32-35
The Messiah would heal the lame.  Isaiah 35:6a  Matthew 12:10-13
John 5:5-9
The Messiah would heal the dumb.  Isaiah 35:6b  Matthew 9:32-33
Matthew 15:30
The forerunner (John The Baptist) of the Messiah would live in the wilderness.  Isaiah 40:3a  Matthew 3:1-4
The forerunner (John The Baptist) would prepare people for the coming of the Messiah.  Isaiah 40:3b  Matthew 3:11
Luke 1:17
John 1:29
John 3:28
The Messiah would be G-d.  Isaiah 40:3c  John 10:30
Philippians 2:5-7
The Messiah would be as a shepherd.  Isaiah 40:11  John 10:11
Mark 9:36-37
The Messiah would be G-d’s messenger.  Isaiah 42:1a  John 4:34
John 5:30
The Messiah would have the Spirit of G-d upon Him.  Isaiah 42:1b  Matthew 3:16-17
The Messiah would please G-d.  Isaiah 42:1c  Matthew 3:16-17
The Messiah would not desire personal attention for Himself.  Isaiah 42:2  Matthew 12:15-21
The Messiah would have compassion for the poor and needy.  Isaiah 42:3  Matthew 11:4-5
Matthew 12:15-20
The Messiah would receive direction from G-d.  Isaiah 42:6a  John 5:19-20
John 14:10-11
The Messiah would be ministered to by G-d.  Isaiah 42:6b  John 8:29
Luke 22:42-43
The Messiah would be the “New Covenant”.  Isaiah 42:6c  Matthew 26:28
The Messiah would be a light to the Gentiles.  Isaiah 42:6d  John 8:12
The Messiah would heal the blind.  Isaiah 42:7  Matthew 9:27-30
Matthew 21:14
The Messiah would be the “First and the Last”.  Isaiah 44:6  Rev. 1:17-18
The Messiah would be from everlasting.  Isaiah 48:16  John 17:24
The Messiah would come for all people.  Isaiah 49:1a  1 Timothy 2:4-6
The Messiah would be called by G-d while in the womb.  Isaiah 49:1b  Matthew 1:20-21
The Messiah would be called by His name before he was born.  Isaiah 49:1c  Luke 1:30-31
The Messiah’s words would be as a sharp as a two-edged sword.  Isaiah 49:2a  Rev. 2:12-16
John 12:48
The Messiah would be protected by G-d.  Isaiah 49:2b  Matthew 2:13-15
The Messiah would be empowered for the judgment of mankind.  Isaiah 49:2c  John 5:22-29
The Messiah would be G-d’s servant.  Isaiah 49:3a  John 17:4
The Messiah’s life and death would glorify G-d.  Isaiah 49:3b  Matthew 15:30-31
The Messiah would be sorrowful because of the Jew’s unbelief.  Isaiah 49:4  Luke 19:41-42
The Messiah would be G-d’s servant.  Isaiah 49:5a  John 6:38
John 8:29
The Messiah would come to bring Israel back to G-d.  Isaiah 49:5b  Matthew 15:24
Matthew 10:5-7
The Messiah would be G-d’s servant.  Isaiah 49:6a  John 1:49-50
The Messiah would be a light to the Gentiles.  Isaiah 49:6b  Acts 13:47-48
The Messiah would be despised.  Isaiah 49:7  John 10:20
Matthew 27:22
The Palms of the Messiah would be a witness.  Isaiah 49:16  John 20:25-28
The Messiah would speak with G-d given knowledge.  Isaiah 50:4  John 12:49
Matthew 7:28-29
The Messiah would not be rebellious to G-d’s will.  Isaiah 50:5  John 12:27
The Messiah’s back would be lashed (stripped).  Isaiah 50:6a  Matthew 27:26
The Messiah’s face would be beaten and spit upon.  Isaiah 50:6b  Matthew 26:67
The Messiah would not waver from His mission.  Isaiah 50:7  Luke 9:51-53
The Messiah would be justified by His righteousness.  Isaiah 50:8  1 Timothy 3:16
Hebrews 8:32-34
The Messiah would completely trust in G-d.  Isaiah 50:8-10  John 11:7-10
The Messiah would proclaim the gospel from the mountain tops.  Isaiah 52:7  Matthew 5:1-7:29
John 14:31
The Messiah would be G-d’s servant.  Isaiah 52:13a  John 9:4
John 14:31
The Messiah would be highly exalted by G-d.  Isaiah 52:13b  Philippians 2:9-11
The Messiah’s face would be disfigured from extreme beatings during His trial. Isaiah 52:14  Mat. 26:67-68
Mat. 27:26-30
The Messiah’s blood would be shed to make atonement for all mankind.  Isaiah 52:15  Revelation 1:5
The Messiah’s own people would reject Him.  Isaiah 53:1  John 12:37-38
The Messiah would grow up in Nazareth.  Isaiah 53:2a  Matthew 2:21-23
The Messiah would appear as an ordinary man.  Isaiah 53:2b  Philippians 2:7-8
The Messiah would be despised.  Isaiah 53:3a  Luke 4:28-29
The Messiah would be rejected.  Isaiah 53:3b  Mat. 27:21-23
The Messiah would suffer great sorrow and grief.  Isaiah 53:3c  Luke 19:41-42
Mat. 26:37-38
Matthew 27:46
Men would deny association with the Messiah. Isaiah 53:3d  Mark 14:50-52
Mat. 26:73-74
The Messiah would have a heal many. Isaiah 53:4a  Luke 6:17-19
Matthew 8:16-17
The Messiah would bear the sins of the world upon Himself. Isaiah 53:4b  1 Peter 2:24
1 Peter 3:18
Many would think the Messiah to be cursed by G-d.  Isaiah 53:4c  Mat. 27:41-43
The Messiah would bear the penalty of death for man’s sins.  Isaiah 53:5a  Luke 23:33
Hebrews 9:28
The Messiah’s would be bruised for our iniquities.  Isaiah 53:5b  Colossians 1:20
Eph. 2:13-18
The Messiah’s back would be lashed at His trial.  Isaiah 53:5c  Matthew 27:26
1 Peter 2:24
The Messiah would be the sin-bearer for all mankind.  Isaiah 53:6  Galatians 1:4
The Messiah would be oppressed and afflicted.  Isaiah 53:7a  Mat. 27:27-31
The Messiah would be silent as a lamb before His accusers.  Isaiah 53:7b  Mat. 27:12-14
The Messiah would be G-d’s sacrificial lamb.  Isaiah 53:7c  John 1:29
John 19:14-18
The Messiah would be condemned and persecuted.  Isaiah 53:8a  Mat. 26:47-27:31
The Messiah would be judged.  Isaiah 53:8b  John 18:13-22
Mat. 26:57-66
Matthew 27:1
Matthew 27:22
Luke 23:11
The Messiah would be killed.  Isaiah 53:8c  Matthew 27:35
The Messiah would die for the sins of the world.  Isaiah 53:8d  1 John 2:2
The Messiah would be buried in a borrowed rich man’s tomb.  Isaiah 53:9a  Matthew 27:57
The Messiah would be completely innocent.  Isaiah 53:9b  Mark 15:3
The Messiah would have no deceit guile in His mouth.  Isaiah 53:9c  John 18:38
Luke 23:33-34
1 Peter 2:21-22
G-d’s will would be that the Messiah should die for all mankind.  Isaiah 53:10a  John 18:11
Romans 3:23-26
The Messiah would be a sin offering.  Isaiah 53:10b  Matthew 20:28
Ephesians 5:2
The Messiah would be resurrected and live forever. Isaiah 53:10c  Mark 16:16
Rev. 1:17-18
The Messiah would prosper.  Isaiah 53:10d  John 17:1-5
Revelation 5:12
G-d would be completely satisfied with the suffering of the Messiah.  Isaiah 53:11a  John 12:27
Matthew 27:46
The Messiah would be G-d’s servant.  Isaiah 53:11b  Romans 5:18-19
The Messiah would justify man before G-d.  Isaiah 53:11c  Romans 5:8-9
The Messiah would be the sin offering for all mankind.  Isaiah 53:11d  Hebrews 9:28
The Messiah would be exalted by G-d for his sacrifice.  Isaiah 53:12a  Matthew 28:18
The Messiah would freely lay down His life to save mankind.  Isaiah 53:12b  Luke 23:46
The Messiah would be counted with the criminals.  Isaiah 53:12c  Luke 23:32
The Messiah would be the sin offering for all mankind.  Isaiah 53:12d  2 Cor. 5:21
The Messiah would intercede for man to G-d.  Isaiah 53:12e  Luke 23:34
The Messiah would be resurrected by G-d.  Isaiah 55:3  Acts 10:40-41
Acts 13:34
The Messiah would be a witness.  Isaiah 55:4  John 3:10-12
John 18:37
The Messiah would come to provide salvation for all mankind.  Isaiah 59:15-16a  John 6:40
1 Thes. 5:8-10
The Messiah would intercede between G-d and man.  Isaiah 59:15-16b  Mat. 10:32-33
Romans 8:34
The Messiah would come to Zion as their Redeemer.  Isaiah 59:20  Luke 2:38
John 10:11
The Messiah would have the Spirit of G-d upon Him.  Isaiah 61:1  Matthew 3:16-17
The Messiah would preach the gospel of “Good News”.  Isaiah 61:1-2  Luke 4:18-21
The Messiah would come to provide salvation.  Isaiah 63:5  John 3:17
Col. 2:13-15
The Messiah would be revealed to a people who were not seeking Him.  Isaiah 65:1  Mat. 15:22-28
Romans 10:18-20
The Messiah would be rejected by His own (Jews).  Isaiah 65:2  John 5:37-40
Jeremiah Prophecies Tanakh Scripture B’rit Chadasha Fulfillment
The Messiah would come from the lineage of David.  Jeremiah 23:5  Luke 3:23-31
The Messiah would be L-rd and King.  Jeremiah 23:6  John 13:13
Herod the King would kill many children trying to destroy the Christ Child (Messiah).  Jeremiah 31:15  Matthew 2:16
The Messiah would be born of a virgin (Mary).  Jeremiah 31:22  Matthew 1:18-20
The Messiah would establish the “New Covenant” with man.  Jeremiah 31:31  Matthew 26:28
The Messiah would come from the lineage of David.  Jeremiah 33:14-15  Luke 3:23-31
Lamentations Prophecies Tanakh Scripture B’rit Chadasha Fulfillment
The Messiah would be buffeted on the face at His trial.  Lam. 3:30  John 18:22
Ezekiel Prophecies Tanakh Scripture B’rit Chadasha Fulfillment
The Messiah would come from the lineage of David and be king of Israel.  Ezekiel 17:22-24  Luke 3:23-31
The Messiah would come from the lineage of David.  Ezekiel 34:23-24  Matthew 1:1
Daniel Prophecies Tanakh Scripture B’rit Chadasha Fulfillment
The Messiah would ascend into heaven after His resurrection.  Daniel 7:13-14a  Acts 1:9-11
The Messiah would be highly exalted with G-d.  Daniel 7:13-14b  Eph. 1:20-22
The Messiah’s dominion would be eternal.  Daniel 7:13-14c  Luke 1:31-33
Hebrews 1:8
The Messiah would come to condemn sin and conquer death.  Daniel 9:24a  Galatians 1:3-5
The Messiah would be G-d’s anointed.  Daniel 9:24b  Luke 1:35
The Messiah would be revealed to the Jews 483 years after the decree to rebuild Jerusalem.  Daniel 9:25  John 12:12-13
The Messiah would be put to death.  Daniel 9:26a  Matthew 27:35
The Messiah would die to take away the sins of the world.  Daniel 9:26b  Hebrews 2:9
The Messiah would die before the temple was destroyed.  Daniel 9:26c  Mat. 27:50-51
Daniel saw a vision of the Messiah in His glorification.  Daniel 10:5-6  Rev. 1:13-16
Hosea Prophecies Tanakh Scripture B’rit Chadasha Fulfillment
G-d would call His Son (Messiah) out of Egypt.  Hosea 11:1  Matthew 2:13-15
The Messiah would defeat sin and death.  Hosea 13:14  1 Cor. 15:55-57
Joel Prophecies Tanakh Scripture B’rit Chadasha Fulfillment
The Messiah would provide salvation for all mankind.  Joel 2:32  Romans 10:12-13
Amos Prophecies Tanakh Scripture B’rit Chadasha Fulfillment
G-d would blacken the sky during Jesus’ crucifixion.  Amos 8:9  Mat. 27:45-46
Micah Prophecies Tanakh Scripture B’rit Chadasha Fulfillment
The Messiah would be buffeted on the face at His trial.  Micah 5:1  Matthew 27:30
The Messiah would be born in the town of Bethlehem.  Micah 5:2a  Matthew 2:1-2
The Messiah would come from the lineage of Judah.  Micah 5:2b  Luke 3:23-33
The Messiah would be eternal.  Micah 5:2c  Revelation 1:8
Haggai Prophecies Tanakh Scripture B’rit Chadasha Fulfillment
The Messiah would visit the second temple.  Haggai 2:6-9  Luke 2:27-32
The Messiah would come from the lineage of Zerubbabel.  Haggai 2:23  Luke 3:23-27
Zechariah Prophecies Tanakh Scripture B’rit Chadasha Fulfillment
The Messiah would be G-d and dwell among His people.  Zech. 2:10-11a  John 1:14
The Messiah would be sent by G-d.  Zech. 2:10-11b  John 8:18-19
The Messiah would come from the lineage of Zerubbabel.  Zechariah 3:8a  Luke 3:23-27
The Messiah would be G-d’s chosen messenger.  Zechariah 3:8b  John 17:4
The Messiah would be both a High Priest and a King.  Zechariah 6:12-13  Hebrews 8:1
Romans 8:34
The Messiah would enter Jerusalem and be greeted with rejoicing.  Zechariah 9:9a  Matthew 21:8-10
The Messiah would be viewed as King.  Zechariah 9:9b  John 12:12-13
The Messiah would be just and worthy.  Zechariah 9:9c  John 5:30
The Messiah would bring salvation to all mankind.  Zechariah 9:9d  Luke 19:10
Titus 2:11
The Messiah would be humble in spirit.  Zechariah 9:9e  Matthew 11:29
John 13:4-14
The Messiah would enter Jerusalem riding on an ass.  Zechariah 9:9f  Matthew 21:6-9
The Messiah would be the cornerstone.  Zechariah 10:4  Ephesians 2:20
Israel’s rejection of the Messiah would result in G-d removing His protection of the people (Jews).  Zechariah 11:10  Luke 19:41-44
The Messiah would be betrayed by Judas for thirty pieces of silver.  Zechariah 11:12  Mathew 26:14-15
The thirty pieces of silver would be thrown into the temple.  Zechariah 11:13a  Matthew 27:3-5
The thirty pieces of silver would be used to buy the Potter’s Field.  Zechariah 11:13b  Matthew 27:6-7
The Messiah’s body would be pierced (blood/water emitted).  Zechariah 12:10  John 19:34
The Messiah would be G-d’s co-equal.  Zechariah 13:7a  John 14:9
The disciples would be “scattered” after the death of the Messiah.  Zechariah 13:7b  Matthew 26:31-56
Malachi Prophecies Tanakh Scripture B’rit Chadasha Fulfillment
A messenger (John The Baptist) would prepare the way for the Messiah.  Malachi 3:1a  Matthew 11:10
The Messiah would make an unannounced appearance at the Jewish temple.  Malachi 3:1b  Mark 11:15-16
The Messiah would communicate the “New Covenant”.  Malachi 3:1c  Luke 4:43
The Messiah’s coming would be announced by a man coming in the spirit of Elijah (John The Baptist).  Malachi 4:5  Matthew 3:1-2
Matthew 11:13-14
The Messiah’s announcer would turn many hearts to G-d.  Malachi 4:6  Luke 1:16-17
Mark 1:3-5
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